Archive of vacancies

Post-doc in Economic and Urban Geography

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The Dean of the Faculty of Science of the University of Ostrava announces a job vacancy at the Department of Human Geography and Regional Development

  • Post-doc in Economic and Urban Geography

Expected start date

  • 1st of November, 2023 (or by agreement)

Estimated amount of work

  • 100% (or by agreement)

Contract of employment

  • Fixed-term contract

Wage conditions

  • According to the Internal Wage Regulations of UO (6th wage grade)

Language in which the selection process will be conducted

  • English

Qualifications and other requirements

  • Doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in urban and economic Geography or a related field,
  • Specialisation in the fields: urban geography, economic Geography, quantitative methods in human geography
  • English language competency, minimum B2 level
  • Publications in the field of Urban and Economic Geography; at least three papers in journals listed on Web of Science
  • EU research level: R2 – Recognized
  • Self-reliance, teamwork skills
  • Communication and organisational skills

Job Description

  • Scientific and publishing activity in the field of Urban and Economic Geography; more specifically an analysis of the spatial distribution of creative industries in megacities of South East Asia

List of Documents Required from the Applicant (in English)

Date, Method, Form, and Place for the Delivery of the Application and Required Documents from the Applicant

Application for the selection procedure containing all the required documents are to be sent electronically to the following address: .

Deadline for on-time applications

  • 23th September, 2023

The first round of the selection procedure will take place without the personal presence of the candidates by the assessment of the submitted materials by the selecion committee.

The Dean of the Faculty reserves the right to invite only selected candidates to a personal meeting and also the right not to select any candidate.


University of Ostrava
Faculty of Science
HR department
Bc. Lucie Holubová
Mlýnská 5
702 00 Ostrava – Moravská Ostrava
Czech Republic