Projects & Grants

Supporting students to work in research in the field of applied informatics
Project IdSGS11/PŘF/2025
Main solverprof. RNDr. PaedDr. Eva Volná, PhD.
Period1/2025 - 12/2025
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationThe project is loosely based on previous projects and extends its scientific scope by further research in the field of applied informatics. There is emphasis placed on the development and application of applied informatics methods (e.g. machine learning, soft computing methods, virtual reality technologies, etc.) to solve problems in the field of IT. The project is mainly aimed at supporting student research in the field of applied informatics. The students of the Doctoral Degree Programme "Applied Informatics" will be integrated into the current research at KIP. The project is structured in three work packages: (WP1) Optimization and portability of computing systems. (WP2) Intelligent tools for data analysis, classification and personalization. (WP3) Interaction and collaboration in smart and virtual environments. The project results follow up the research outcomes of the investigation team members. Hybrid approaches based on applied informatics methods will enable to develop interdisciplinary methods while using the advantages of individual approaches applicable in each domain area. Such set goals correspond with the research focus of the Faculty of Science UO since they specifically take grounds from the research conducted at the Dept. of Informatic and Computers, Faculty of Science UO: Soft Computing for IT.