Projects & Grants

Selected approaches in development of lagging cities and regions
Project IdSGS17/PřF/2018
Main solverRNDr. Petr Žufan, Ph.D.
Period1/2018 - 12/2018
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationRecently, we have seen a dynamic inter-regional, polarisation, that reflects different abundance of resources and capacities in acquisition of external financial resources and knowledge. At the same time, EU member?s states developmental frameworks are gradually affected by europaenisation of their legislations. This process of legislation transformation is shaped by above mentioned trends, while has different impacts on specific types of regions. Research project will focuse on above outlined trends in economically lagging regions in Czechia, where we assume greater potential for improvement of developmental practise than that we would find in dynamic metropolitian regions. Broad range of mutually intertwined topics will provide with comprehensive account of the issue. Europaenisation is, among others, manifested in hollowing-out of nation state government at the expense of increasing local authorities autonomy, while new obligations are not straigtforwardly followed with allocation of necessary funds. Weakening of spatial redistribution is on the other hand reflected in creation of grant schemes, which are designed to give local authorities greater freedom in deciding developmental priorities. Thus, insuffucient funds can lead to insufficient administration support, and decreased capacity to acquire grants. Further, emphasis on regions self-sufficiency was reflected in increasing popularity of endogenous developmental concepts and endogeonous regional factors. Different set of impacts can be often recognized in urban regions, which are more successful in acquiring external resources, albeit effectivity of allocation of these funds in order to resolve major developmental issues is often ambiguous. Similarly, transfer of new developmental concepts and approaches is often affected by individual political goals and capabilities to reflect specific local context and related limiting factors.