Projects & Grants

Restructuring of lagging cities and regions
Project IdSGS16/PřF/2019
Main solverMgr. Alexandr Nováček, Ph.D.
Period1/2019 - 12/2019
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationIn the last decades, we have seen a dynamic polarisation within states (i.e. among cities as well as whole regions), which brings along increasing differences in economic performance, decreasing quality of life of inhabitants and territorial and social cohesion of society in general. On one hand, we can see rise of successful cities and regions, that find themselves on the top of the hierarchy, where they can take advantage of their dominant position. On the other hand, however, are situated regions with long-term problems or those in the process of peripheralization. These issues often stem from unequal positions of cities and regions in the global hierarchical system. This phenomenon can be simply illustrated on the global cities system. The so called global cities, with the greatest innovation capacity and the share of global capital and investment, are on the top of this system, due to the presence of headquarters of leading firms in finance, media and high-tech sectors. At the same time, they are markedly more successful in attraction and retention of talents. It can be argued, that global cities extract resources from peripheral cities, which, therefore, are forced to compete with other peripheral cities on the bottom of this hierarchy. Shrinking cities are in a certain sense found among peripheral cities, with subordinate position regarding their ability to accumulate capital, generate investment and provide ICT infrastructure. This overall economic insufficiency is subsequently reflected in reduced capacity of public sector in resolving this adverse situation. The submitted project examines diverse aspects of this inconsistency, aims at shedding light on mechanisms leading to their lagging behind, and outline possible solutions to their restructuring.