Projects & Grants

Algebra, analysis, mathematical physics and number theory
Project IdSGS09/PřF/2023
Main solverdoc. Baruch Schneider, Ph.D.
Period1/2023 - 12/2023
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationThe project is aimed at supporting students of the Applied Mathematics and Mathematics degree programmes who focus on algebra, analysis, mathematical physics, number theory and related areas in their dissertation and thesis work. The aim of this project is: - to encourage students with a deeper interest in scientific work, to contribute to the improvement of the quality and efficiency of doctoral and master studies; - to provide students with the conditions to achieve excellent academic and scientific results at an internationally comparable professional and scientific level; - to provide students with a broader education and outlook and to give them access to the latest knowledge in the field, to deepen the orientation of studies towards promising directions of OU research and to build on research grants.