Course title:
Mountain Streams and Their Management
Faculty of Science
Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology
Course code:
Level of study:
Format of study:
Practical classes 2 [Hours/Week]
Name of the lecturer:
ISCED F broad:
Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
Mountain streams are important components of the landscape, which allow transfer of water, sediment and nutrients from mountainous areas to lowlands. They represent vulnerable environments providing habitats for many aquatic species. On the other side, large wood and bedload movement during floods accompanied by intensive erosional and deposition processes is a frequent natural hazard for the populated valleys. The aim of the course is to present theoretical background of natural processes and applied aspects of river management related to mountain channels (including steep streams and gravel-bed rivers). At the first stage, participants of the course will be introduced to the issues of fluvial processes, channel morphologies, and sediment transport in mountain basins. Consequently, the methods of hydromorphological assessment and selected technical approaches reducing potential damages during flood events will be presented. It implies that students will get knowledge how to carefully combine the conservation or enhancement of environmental quality with a certain level of flood risk mitigation in this part of fluvial net. Specific technical solutions (e.g., various types of check dams and bank stabilisations) and examples of restored channel reaches will be shown during the one-day field trip at the end of the course.