UO > About > Organizational Structure > Faculties & Institutes > Faculty of Science > About > Organizational Structure > Departments & Centres > Department of Human Geography and Regional Development
Vojtěch Bosák
Academic degree, name, surname:
Mgr. Vojtěch Bosák, Ph.D.
Room, floor, building:
L 402, Building L
Research interests and teaching:
Urban geography, project management
Department (Faculty):
Phone number, mobile:
+420 553 46 2374
+420 774 065 464
+420 774 065 464
Personal website:
9/2016 – 9/2020
Ph.D. study, program Economic geography and regional development, University of Ostrava
9/2014 – 5/2016
Master study, program Economic geography and regional development, University of Ostrava
9/2011 – 5/2014
Bachelor study, program Geography and regional development, University of Ostrava
Working Practice
Since 2/2021
Postdoctoral research fellow, Department of Human Geography and Regional Development, University of Ostrava
4/2017 – 12/2020
Junior expert, Association for Development of Moravian-Silesian Region, project Compass - Prediction of labour market (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs)
Professional focus
Main thematic specialization
Urban geography, governance, local and regional development, sustainable development, quality of life, strategic planning
Research projects
REFRESH - Research Excellence For REgion Sustainability and High-tech Industries (CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000048), funding: Operational Programme Just Transition
Implementation of walkability as a support tool for sustainable mobility of Czech cities (CK04000226), funding: TAČR DOPRAVA 2020+
SMART technologies to improve the quality of life in cities and regions (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_049/0008452), funding: Operational Programme Research, Development and Education
Revitalization of city centers and other public spaces in the Czech Republic: Problems, foreign inspiration, possible solutions (TL01000498), funding: TAČR ÉTA
Project teaching of spatial planning of students of physical and human geography of the University of Ostrava and architecture of the Technical University of Ostrava (IRP201712), funding: University of Ostrava
Contract consultancy and research
Strategic plan for the sustainable development of the city district Moravian Ostrava and Přívoz, contractor: district Moravská Ostrava and Přívoz, city of Ostrava
Mapping and strategy for development of cultural and creative industries in Moravian-Silesian Region, contractor: Ministry of Culture
Methodology of national mapping of the economic and social contribution of cultural and creative industries, contractor: Ministry of Culture
Mobility plan for a school-City of Ostrava pilot project, contractor: City of Ostrava
Revitalisalisation of the city of Karvina: an analytical study, contractor: Heimstaden Ltd.
The Concept of development of culture of City of Ostrava, contractor: City of Ostrava
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