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UO > About > Organizational Structure > Faculties & Institutes > Faculty of Science > About > Organizational Structure > Departments & Centres > Department of Biology and Ecology

Jiří Červeň

Jiří Červeň

Academic degree, name, surname:
Mgr. Jiří Červeň, Ph.D.
Room, floor, building:
M 202, Building M
Research interests and teaching:
Phone number, mobile:
+420 553 46 2273

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Martin Bartas, Kristyna Slychko, Jiří Červeň, Christopher A. Beaudoin, Tom L. Blundell, Petr Pečinka, Václav Brázda ... other authors
journal article
Martin Bartas, Adriana Volná, Christopher A. Beaudoin, Ebbe Toftgaard Poulsen, Jiří Červeň, Václav Brázda, Vladimír Špunda, Tom L. Blundell, Petr Pečinka ... other authors
journal article
journal article
Year: 2021, INT J MOL SCI
journal article
Pratik Goswami, Martin Bartas, Matej Lexa, Natalia Bohalova, Adriana Volná, Jiří Červeň, Veronika Červeňová, Petr Pečinka, Vladimír Špunda, Miroslav Fojta, Václav Brázda ... other authors
journal article
journal article
Martin Bartas, Václav Brázda, Natália Bohálová, Alessio Cantara, Adriana Volná, Tereza STACHUROVÁ, Kateřina Malachová, Eva Jagelská, Otília Porubiaková, Jiří Červeň, Petr Pečinka ... other authors
journal article
Martin Bartas, Michaela Čutová, Václav Brázda, Patrik Kaura, Jiří Šťastný, Jan Kolomazník, Jan Coufal, Pratik Goswami, Jiří Červeň, Petr Pečinka ... other authors
Year: 2019, Molecules
journal article
Jiří Červeň, Luďěk Havran, Petr Pečinka, Miroslav Fojta
journal article
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)

journal article
Martin Bartas, Jiří Červeň, Natália Valková, Adriana Volná, Michaela Dobrovolná, Lucie Šislerová, Hörður Baldvinsson, Petr Pečinka, Václav Brázda ... other authors
journal article
Year: 2023, Humana Press
specialist book chapter
Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Martin Bartas, Kristyna Slychko, Jiří Červeň, Petr Pečinka, Donna J. Arndt-Jovin, Thomas M. Jovin ... other authors
journal article
Martin Bartas, Kristyna Slychko, Jiří Červeň, Petr Pečinka, Donna Jovin, Jovin Thomas ... other authors
journal article
Year: 2023, BMC Research Notes
journal article
Jiří Červeň, Martin Bartas, Petr Pečinka, viktor vrbovský, Jiří Horáček, Lenka ENDLOVÁ, Vladislav Čurn ... other authors
Year: 2023, Plants-Basel
journal article
journal article
Martin Bartas, Kristyna Slychko, Jiří Červeň, Christopher A. Beaudoin, Tom L. Blundell, Petr Pečinka, Václav Brázda ... other authors
journal article
Martin Bartas, Adriana Volná, Christopher A. Beaudoin, Ebbe Toftgaard Poulsen, Jiří Červeň, Václav Brázda, Vladimír Špunda, Tom L. Blundell, Petr Pečinka ... other authors
journal article
journal article
journal article
Year: 2021, INT J MOL SCI
journal article
Martin Bartas, Jiří Červeň, Adriana Volná, Miroslav Fojta, Václav Brázda, Petr Pečinka ... other authors
journal article
Pratik Goswami, Martin Bartas, Matej Lexa, Natalia Bohalova, Adriana Volná, Jiří Červeň, Veronika Červeňová, Petr Pečinka, Vladimír Špunda, Miroslav Fojta, Václav Brázda ... other authors
journal article
Year: 2021, BioTech
journal article
Martin Bartas, Václav Brázda, Adriana Volná, Jiří Červeň, Petr Pečinka, Joanna Zawacka-Pankau ... other authors
journal article
Kristýna Kundrátová, Martin Bartas, Petr Pečinka, Ondřej Hejna, Andrea Rychlá, Vladislav Čurn, Jiří Červeň ... other authors
Year: 2021, Plants-Basel
journal article
journal article
Martin Bartas, Václav Brázda, Natália Bohálová, Alessio Cantara, Adriana Volná, Tereza STACHUROVÁ, Kateřina Malachová, Eva Jagelská, Otília Porubiaková, Jiří Červeň, Petr Pečinka ... other authors
journal article
Jiří Červeň, Petr Pečinka, Martin Bartas, Václav Brázda, Jack Liao, Pavla Bažantová ... other authors
Year: 2019, Molecular Biology
journal article
Martin Bartas, Michaela Čutová, Václav Brázda, Patrik Kaura, Jiří Šťastný, Jan Kolomazník, Jan Coufal, Pratik Goswami, Jiří Červeň, Petr Pečinka ... other authors
Year: 2019, Molecules
journal article
Year: 2018, BIOCHIMIE
journal article
Year: 2018, Oncology letters
journal article
Year: 2018
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2018
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Václav Brázda, Jiří Červeň, Martin Bartas, Nikol Mikysková, Jan Coufal, Petr Pečinka ... other authors
Year: 2018, Molecules
journal article
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017
abstract in proceedings
journal article
Year: 2016
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2016
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2016
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2016
final dissertation (rigorous, final, habilitation)
Year: 2016
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2016
work experience abroad
Jiří Červeň, Luďěk Havran, Petr Pečinka, Miroslav Fojta
journal article
Pavla Bažantová, Jiří Červeň, Petr Pečinka, Matěj Adámik, Vlastimil Tichý, Marie Brázdová ... other authors
Year: 2014
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2014
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2014, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
specialist book chapter
Year: 2014, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
specialist book
Year: 2014
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2013, WATER RES
journal article
Year: 2013
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Jiří Červeň, Petr Pečinka, Pavla Bažantová, Barbora Chvátalová, Marie Brázdová
journal article
Kateřina Malachová, Hana Sezimová, Jiří Červeň, Zuzana Rybková, Jana Kukutschová, Vlastimil Matějka , Peter Filip ... other authors
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2012
abstract in proceedings
Kateřina Malachová, Hana Sezimová, Zuzana Rybková, Čeněk Novotný, Jiří Červeň, Markéta Tvardková, Zuzana Jaskoová ... other authors
Year: 2011
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Kateřina Malachová, Zuzana Rybková, Hana Sezimová, Čeněk Novotný, Jiří Červeň, Markéta Tvardková, Zuzana Jaskoová, Pavel Hasal, Jaromir Pocedic ... other authors
journal article
Zuzana Rybková, Hana Sezimová, Kateřina Malachová, Jiří Červeň, Čeněk Novotný, Lenka Jarábková, Martin Fluksa, Lucie Duongová, Roman Pořízka ... other authors
Year: 2010
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Zuzana Rybková, Hana Sezimová, Kateřina Malachová, Jiří Červeň, Čeněk Novotný, Lenka Jarábková, Martin Fluksa, Lucie Duongová, Roman Pořízka ... other authors
Year: 2010
abstract in proceedings
Kateřina Malachová, Zuzana Rybková, Hana Sezimová, Jiří Červeň, Jana Kukutschová, P. Filip ... other authors
Year: 2010
abstract in proceedings
Zuzana Pavlíčková, Kateřina Malachová, Jiří Červeň
Year: 2009
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Zuzana Pavlíčková, Kateřina Malachová, Jiří Červeň
Year: 2009
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008, University of Ostrava
specialist book chapter
Year: 2008, University of Ostrava
specialist book chapter
Year: 2007, Chemické zvesti
journal article
Year: 2007
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2007
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2007, Chemické zvesti
journal article

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Type of thesis
Nováková Martina
Evaluation of gene expression in selected tissue culter treated by microplastics
Master's thesis
Palej Filip Roderik
Analysis of mutation in low-morphine genotypes of Opium poppy
Master's thesis
Slatinská Gabriela
Utilisation of magnetic beads in monitoring of noncovalent protein interactions
Master's thesis
Zotyková Romana
Mechanisms of symbiotic interactions between plants a microorganisms during drought stress
Master's thesis
Gibasová Vladěna
Mechanisms of drought stress response in Opium poppy
Master's thesis
Matznerová Aneta
Gene and genomic duplications in cultural plant breeding with focus on Opium poppy
Master's thesis
Pěchuvková Jana
Study of G-quadruplexes role in APP pathways
Master's thesis
Bokišová Adéla
Differential gene expression in Daphnia magna after exposure to toxicants
Master's thesis
Konečná Markéta
Usage of SEQUEL-SMRT sequencing for identifying mutants in TILLING population of Opium poppy
Master's thesis
Vavřičková Michaela
Efect of flavonoids in expression of DDR genes during oxidation stress
Master's thesis
Fitříková Jana
Evaluation of gene expression conected to drought stress in Oppium poppy
Master's thesis
Hostovičáková Eva
Evaluation of Gene Expression in Toxicology Model Daphnia magna
Master's thesis
Závadská Martina
Analysis of opiate biosynthetic pathways in Opium poppy
Master's thesis
Bartas Martin
Studying of liver regeneration in Sus scrofa induced by aplication of stromal vascular fat tissue stem cells
Master's thesis
Husovská Monika
Using magnetic beads for sequence specific isolation of nucleic acids
Master's thesis
Prokopová Martina
Electrochemical methods for detection of apoptosis
Master's thesis
Rypienová Šárka
Studying of alternation in gene expression of DNA damage response genes
Master's thesis
Smilková Pavla
Response of yeast cell on oxidative stress - usage in antioxidant testing
Master's thesis
Mrózková Aneta
Using qPCR for mutation detection
Master's thesis
Kozaczková Barbora
Using molecular biological methods in toxicological tests
Bachelor's thesis
Hurná Eliška
Analysis of polymorphisms in p53 pathway in long living organisms
Bachelor's thesis
Reiblová Alexandra
Satbility of expression of A. thaliana reference genes
Bachelor's thesis
Raganová Květoslava
Role of putative G-quadruplex forming sequeces in progression of neurodegenerative disorders
Bachelor's thesis
Stanková Nikola
Monitoring of stress response in plants exposed to nanoparticles
Bachelor's thesis
Uvírová Karolína
Analysis of stress response in non-target organisms after protective sprays
Bachelor's thesis
Bílek Daniel
Comparison of genotoxicity of nanoparticles prepared by clasical and green methods of synthesis
Bachelor's thesis
Fantová Tereza
Biosynthetic pathways used in green synthesis of nanoparticles
Bachelor's thesis
Mrůzková Karolína
Evaluation of gene expession during drought stress in Opium poppy
Bachelor's thesis
Pechová Veronika
Effect of flavonoids on expression of genes involved in oxidative stress response
Bachelor's thesis
Put Adam
Differential gene expression in non-target organism Eisenia foetida in response to pesticides treatment
Bachelor's thesis
Slatinská Gabriela
Usage of immunoprecipitation techniques for non-B-DNA protein interaction studies
Bachelor's thesis
Zotyková Romana
Role of plant - microbial symbiosis during drought stress
Bachelor's thesis
Matznerová Aneta
Evaluation of gene expression in alkaloid biosynthetic pathways in Opium poppy
Bachelor's thesis
Bokišová Adéla
Evaluation of gene expression involved in stress response in Daphnia magna
Bachelor's thesis
Konečná Markéta
Expression and acumulation of dehydrins in Opium poppy
Bachelor's thesis
Vavřičková Michaela
Evaluation of DNA repair gene expression during oxidative stress
Bachelor's thesis
Fitříková Jana
Genetic profiling of avaiable gene sources of brassica nigra
Bachelor's thesis
Wolfová Eva
Evaluation of gene expression in model toxicologic organisms
Bachelor's thesis
Závadská Martina
Genetic profiling of avaiable gene sources of Brassica rapa, subs. oleifera
Bachelor's thesis
Bartoňová Markéta
Detection of cellular stress using electrochemical methods
Bachelor's thesis
Kovačik Martin
Evaluation of gene expression of antioxidant defence genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Bachelor's thesis
Dejová Lilly
Comparison of methods used in labeling with focus on study of apoptosis and DNA-protein interactions
Bachelor's thesis
Volná Adriana
Evaluation of changes in expression of genes conneted with liver tissue regeneration
Bachelor's thesis
Bartas Martin
Using qPCR for measurement of expression of oxidative stress associated genes
Bachelor's thesis
Holá Michaela
Using immunochemical methods for studying apoptosis with focus on yeast model
Bachelor's thesis
Jarolímová Markéta
Methods for studying apoptosis: yeast model and tissue cultures
Bachelor's thesis
Smilková Pavla
Determination of antioxidation properties of phenolic compounds by plasmid DNA topological changes
Bachelor's thesis
Filipová Jana
Linear DNA end labeling using TdT and its purification using magnetic beads
Bachelor's thesis
Husovská Monika
Isolation of plasmid DNA using magnetic beads
Bachelor's thesis
Mrózková Aneta
Detection of mutations using PCR
Bachelor's thesis
Prokopová Martina
Evaluation of antioxidation capacity using DNA as biosenzor
Bachelor's thesis

Main solver
Mgr. Jiří Červeň, Ph.D.
1/2020 - 12/2020
Katedra biologie a ekologie, Dar

social hub