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UO > About > Organizational Structure > Faculties & Institutes > Faculty of Science > About > Organizational Structure > Departments & Centres > Department of Mathematics

Petra Konečná

Academic degree, name, surname:
RNDr. Petra Konečná, Ph.D.
Room, floor, building:
G 504, Building G
Department Administrative Coordinator
Research interests and teaching:
Phone number, mobile:
+420 553 46 2103
+420 604 105 409


1994 – 1999
University of Ostrava Faculty of Science

Qualifications, specialization

Ph.D. University of Ostrava, Faculty of Science (in Applied Algebra)
RNDr. University of Ostrava, Faculty of Science (in Applied Mathematics)
Mgr. University of Ostrava, Faculty of Science (in Teaching Qualification for Mathematics and Physics)

Working Practice

Since 2001
assistant professor (Department of Mathematics, University of Ostrava)
1999 – 2001
full-time PhD student (Department of Mathematics, University of Ostrava)

Lecturing in

finite commutative structures and polynomial cycles

Year: 2023, Education Science
journal article
Year: 2022, Masarykova univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2022, Masarykova univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2021
abstract in proceedings
journal article
Year: 2018
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2017, Masarykova univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2015
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2006, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
journal article
Petra Konečná, Franz Halter-Koch
Year: 2002, Mathematica Slovaca
journal article

Year: 2024
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2024
abstract in proceedings
specialist book chapter
Year: 2024
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2023, Education Science
journal article
Jiří Kohout, Václav Stacke, Markéta Kuberská, Petra Konečná, Věra Ferdiánová, Pavel Mentlík, Jan Slavík, Pavel Masopust, Tomáš Janík ... other authors
Year: 2023
abstract in proceedings
Jiří Kohout, Václav Stacke, Markéta Kuberská, Petra Konečná, Věra Ferdiánová, Pavel Mentlík, Jan Slavík, Pavel Masopust ... other authors
Year: 2023, Pedagogika
journal article
Year: 2023
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2022, Masarykova univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2022
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2022
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2022, Masarykova univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2021
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2020
abstract in proceedings
journal article
Year: 2020
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2020
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2019
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2019
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2019
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2019
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2019
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2018
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2018
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2018
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2018
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2018
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2017, Pedagogical University of Cracow
specialist book chapter
Year: 2017, Masarykova univerzita
specialist book chapter
Year: 2017
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2017
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2016
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2016
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2016, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Panstwowej Wyzszej Szkoly Zawodowej
specialist book chapter
Year: 2016
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2016
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Petra Konečná, Josef Molnár
Year: 2016
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2016
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2015
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015, VERBUM
specialist book chapter
Year: 2015, Učitel matematiky
journal article
Year: 2015, Učitel matematiky
journal article
Year: 2015
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2014
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2014
organizing conference, workshop
specialist book chapter
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2014
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2014
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2014
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2014
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2014
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2014, Učitel matematiky
journal article
Petra Konečná, Věra Ferdiánová, Marie Kubíčková, Zuzana Trzyniecká
Year: 2014, Učitel matematiky
journal article
Year: 2014
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2013
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2013
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2013
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2013
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2013, Usta ad Albim BOHEMICA
journal article
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Jaroslav Hančl, Petra Konečná, Eduard Fuchs, Josef Kubát
Year: 2013, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie
journal article
Year: 2013
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2013
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2012
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2012
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2012
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2012
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2012
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2012
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2012
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2012
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2012, Journal of Applied Mathematics
journal article
Year: 2012
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2012, VERBUM
specialist book chapter
Year: 2012
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2012
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2011
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2011
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2011
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2011
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2011
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2011
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2011
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2011, Scientific Issues, Jan Dlugosz University of Czenstochowa. Mathematics XVI
journal article
Year: 2011, Journal of Mathematics and System Science
journal article
Year: 2011
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2011
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2010
radio and televison broadcast
Year: 2010
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2010
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2010
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2010
radio and televison broadcast
Year: 2010
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2010
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2010
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2010
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2010
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2009
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2007
work experience abroad
Year: 2006
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2006
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2006
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2006, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
journal article
Year: 2006
work experience abroad
Year: 2006
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2005
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2005
work experience abroad
Year: 2004
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2004
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2004
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2004
work experience abroad
Year: 2004
work experience abroad
Year: 2003
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2003, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Mathematica
journal article
Year: 2003
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2003
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2003
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2003
final dissertation (rigorous, final, habilitation)
Petra Konečná, Franz Halter-Koch
Year: 2002, Mathematica Slovaca
journal article
Year: , SCIED
journal article

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Type of thesis
Bravanský Jaromír
Algebraic expressions and linear equations - analysis of Cermat uniform entrance tests
Polášková Michaela
Propositional logic in selected mathematical textbooks designed for grammar schools
Strmiska Martin
Analytical Geometry in Space - Collection of solved and unsolved problems
Zemanová Eva
Equations in teaching of mathematics
Kubáňová Neuhortová Zuzana
Innovation of Mathematics Lessons for Students from Socially Disadvantaged Background
Bezouška Tomáš
The development of algorithmic thinking through mathematical tasks
Master's thesis
Krysa Jan
Differences in Mathematics Teaching at Secondary Schools in Kenya and the Czech Republic
Master's thesis
Bachurová Alžběta
Analysis of FEP for Grammar School Focused on Relations Within the Educational Field of Mathematics and its Application
Master's thesis
Kopřivová Michaela
Analysis of didactical casuistry in the field of functions
Master's thesis
Hankusová Barbora
Estimates in the teaching of mathematics at the upper primary school and eight-year or six-year grammar schools
Master's thesis
Slívová Lucie
Equations in the mathematics textbooks for high schools
Master's thesis
Ptáček Jiří
Analysis of mistakes in selected mathematical problems of students at the beginning of their university studies.
Master's thesis
Mojžíšek David
Complex networks and their applications
Master's thesis
Firlová Karolína
An insight into primary and secondary school students' understanding of number systems
Master's thesis
Kaczurová Magdalena
Analysis of errors in graduation mathematical tests
Master's thesis
Pazderová Jitka
How Better Teach Mathematics? Comparison of Upper Secondary Education in the Czech Republic and France
Master's thesis
Bjaček Aleš
Error in Mathematics Education
Master's thesis
Doležalová Kateřina
Divergent tasks in mathematics at basic school
Master's thesis
Hamroziová Šárka
Mathematical Crib Sheet - Creation and Effect
Master's thesis
Zarzycká Anna
Use of Estimate in Mathematics Education
Master's thesis
Srubková Jindřiška
Forming and Analysis of Algebraic Problems
Master's thesis
Jarošová Zuzana
Changes in School-Leaving Exam on Mathematics in years 2010-2011
Master's thesis
Šnoriková Markéta
Teaching financial mathematics In secondary school
Master's thesis
Salamonová Eva
Graphs and groups
Master's thesis
Pučok Libor
Computer processing of graph theory algorithm
Master's thesis
Wrublová Michaela
Algebra in Graph Theory
Master's thesis
Lysková Silvie
Graph theory in high school education
Master's thesis
Košťálová Natálie
Problems with multiple solutions
Bachelor's thesis
Páclová Martina
Equations and inequalities - solving problems containing an error
Bachelor's thesis
Bruštíková Martina
Combinatorial counting methods
Bachelor's thesis
Krčmářová Barbora
Linear equation in tasks for entrance exams in mathematics at high school.
Bachelor's thesis
Icelová Tereza
Expressions in tasks for entrance exams in mathematics at high school.
Bachelor's thesis
Špendlíková Kamila
Analysis of errors in preparation for entrance exam in mathematics - case study
Bachelor's thesis
Obrusníková Kateřina
Solved Problems from Graph Theory - Matching, Eulerian Trails, Hamiltonian Paths and Cycles
Bachelor's thesis
Bachurová Alžběta
Set of selected problems from graph theory
Bachelor's thesis
Hankusová Barbora
Mathematics and scouting
Bachelor's thesis
Jedlička Ivo
Minimum Knowledge of Mathematics for Chemists
Bachelor's thesis
Prýmusová Marie
Cycles and Cyclic Groups
Bachelor's thesis
Baronová Nikol
The processing of information in the difficult conditions from the perspective of coding
Bachelor's thesis
Chalupová Kateřina
Comparison of Mathematical Knowledge in Ancient World
Bachelor's thesis
Hamroziová Šárka
Mathematical Orienteering
Bachelor's thesis
Petruchová Štěpánka
Complex Numbers in Teaching at Secondary School
Bachelor's thesis
Harkut Ondřej
Graph Theory in Physics
Bachelor's thesis
Kaňoková Jana
Graph Theory in Geography
Bachelor's thesis
Zapletal František
The Projecting of Encryption Games
Bachelor's thesis
Kupčáková Tereza
Mathematics in Linguistics
Bachelor's thesis
Misiarz Martin
Cryptoanalysis of Chosen Historical Ciphers with Using Computer Software
Bachelor's thesis
Jarošová Zuzana
Ciphers in the service of war
Bachelor's thesis
Weissová Karin
Arithmetic function and their application.
Bachelor's thesis
Kocůrek Dalibor
Selected problems of building industry and its solution by mathematical methods
Bachelor's thesis
Mísařová Kateřina
Usage of methods of theory of graph for better efficiency by cost cutting of firm Kofola a.s.
Bachelor's thesis
Židková Eva
Streamlining of activities in Lonka company by means of graph theory
Bachelor's thesis
Šimíčková Lucie
Algebraic Aspects in Graph Theory
Bachelor's thesis
Wrublová Michaela
History of Codes and Ciphers
Bachelor's thesis

Main solver
RNDr. Petra Konečná, Ph.D.
1/2016 - 12/2016
Projekty podporované z rozpočtu měst krajských úřadů
Main solver
RNDr. Petra Konečná, Ph.D.
1/2011 - 12/2015
Main solver
RNDr. Petra Konečná, Ph.D.
1/2010 - 12/2010
Katedra matematiky, Fond rozvoje vysokých škol

social hub