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UO > About > Organizational Structure > Faculties & Institutes > Faculty of Science > About > Organizational Structure > Departments & Centres > Department of Biology and Ecology

Ingrid Sveráková

Academic degree, name, surname:
RNDr. Ingrid Sveráková, PhD.
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journal article
Fred R. Opperdoes, Kristína Záhonová, Ingrid Sveráková, Barbora Bučková, Ľubomíra Chmelová, Julius Lukeš, Vyacheslav Yurchenko ... other authors
Year: 2024, BMC GENOMICS
journal article
Kristína Záhonová, Matus Valach, Pragya Tripathi, Corinna Benz, Fred R. Opperdoes, Peter Barath, Veronika Lukácová, Maksym Danchenko, Drahomíra Faktorová, Anton Horvath, Gertraud Burger, Julius Lukes, Ingrid Sveráková ... other authors
journal article
Daria Tashyreva, Alastair G. B. Simpson, Galina Prokopchuk, Ingrid Sveráková, Anzhelika Butenko, Michael Hammond, Emma E. George, Olga Flegontova, Kristína Záhonová, Drahomira Faktorova, Akinori Yabuki, Ales Horak, Patrick J. Keeling, Julius Lukes ... other authors
Year: 2022, PROTIST
journal article
Alexandra Zakharova, Amanda Tábita da Silva Albanaz, Fred R. Opperdoes, Ingrid Sveráková, Diana Zagirova, Andreu Saura Rebollar, Ľubomíra Chmelová, Evgeny S. Gerasimov, Tereza Lestinova, Tomas Becvar, Jovana Sadlova, Petr Volf, Julius Lukes, Anton Horvath, Anzhelika Butenko, Vyacheslav Yurchenko ... other authors
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