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UO > About > Organizational Structure > Faculties & Institutes > Faculty of Science > About > Organizational Structure > Departments & Centres > Department of Physics

František Karlický

František Karlický

Academic degree, name, surname:
Mgr. František Karlický, Ph.D.
Room, floor, building:
M 302, Building M
Head of Nanostructure Physics Group, Chair of the Academic Senate at Faculty of Science
Research interests and teaching:
Department (Faculty):
Phone number, mobile:
+420 553 46 2155

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Year: 2024, J CHEM PHYS
journal article
journal article
Year: 2023, APPL PHYS LETT
journal article
journal article
Matúš Dubecký, František Karlický, Stanislav Minárik, Lubos Mitas
Year: 2020, J CHEM PHYS
journal article
journal article
journal article
Year: 2018, Carbon
journal article
Hyungkyu Han, Francesca Riboni, František Karlický, Štěpán Kment, Anandarup Goswami, Pitchaimuthu Sudhagar, Jeongeun Yoo, Lei Wang, Ondřej Tomanec, Martin Petr, Haderka Ondřej, Chiaki Terashima, Akira Fujishima, Patrik Schmuki, Radek Zbořil ... other authors
Year: 2017, Nanoscale
journal article
Jiří Tuček, Kateřina Holá, Athanasios B. Bourlinos, Piotr Blonski, Aristides Bakandritsos, Juri Ugolotti, Matúš Dubecký, František Karlický, Václav Ranc, Klára Čépe, Michal Otyepka, Radek Zbořil ... other authors
journal article

journal article
Year: 2024, J CHEM PHYS
journal article
journal article
journal article
Rishabh Saraswat, Miroslav Kolos, Rekha Verma, František Karlický, Sitangshu Bhattacharya
Year: 2024, J PHYS CHEM C
journal article
journal article
Year: 2024, J APPL PHYS
journal article
journal article
Year: 2024, J COMPUT CHEM
journal article
Year: 2023, CHEM PHYS
journal article
Year: 2023, J CHEM PHYS
journal article
Year: 2023, Nanoscale Advances
journal article
Year: 2023, APPL PHYS LETT
journal article
Nilesh Kumar, Rajneesh Chaurasiya, František Karlický, Ambesh Dixit
Year: 2022, Physica Scripta
journal article
journal article
journal article
Year: 2022, ACS Omega
journal article
Miroslav Brumovský, Jana Oborná, Vesna Micic, Ondřej Malina, Josef Kašlík, Daniel Tunega, Miroslav Kolos, Thilo Hofmann, František Karlický, Jan Filip ... other authors
journal article
Miroslav Kolos, Rekha Verma, František Karlický, Sitangshu Bhattacharya
Year: 2022, J PHYS CHEM C
journal article
Year: 2022, J. Mater. Chem. C
journal article
Miroslav Kolos, Luigi Cigarini, Rekha Verma, František Karlický, Sitangshu Bhattacharya
Year: 2021, J PHYS CHEM C
journal article
journal article
journal article
Matúš Dubecký, František Karlický, Stanislav Minárik, Lubos Mitas
Year: 2020, J CHEM PHYS
journal article
journal article
journal article
Hyungkyu Han, František Karlický, Sudhagar Pitchaimuthu, Sun Hae Ra Shin, Aiping Chen
Year: 2019, Small
journal article
Year: 2018, Carbon
journal article
Rajko Ćosić, František Karlický, René Kalus
journal article
Hyungkyu Han, Štěpán Kment, František Karlický, Lei Wang, Alberto Naldoni, Patrik Schmuki, Radek Zbořil ... other authors
Year: 2018, Small
journal article
Petr Novák, Michal Kolář, Libor Machala, Karolina M. Šišková, František Karlický, Martin Petr, Radek Zbořil ... other authors
journal article
František Karlický, Eva Otyepková, Rabindranath Lo, Michal Pitoňák, Petr Jurečka, Martin Pykal, Pavel Hobza, Michal Otyepka ... other authors
journal article
Hyungkyu Han, Francesca Riboni, František Karlický, Štěpán Kment, Anandarup Goswami, Pitchaimuthu Sudhagar, Jeongeun Yoo, Lei Wang, Ondřej Tomanec, Martin Petr, Haderka Ondřej, Chiaki Terashima, Akira Fujishima, Patrik Schmuki, Radek Zbořil ... other authors
Year: 2017, Nanoscale
journal article
Marian Karlický, František Karlický
Year: 2017
research reports and final reports of opposed grants
Jiří Tuček, Kateřina Holá, Athanasios B. Bourlinos, Piotr Blonski, Aristides Bakandritsos, Juri Ugolotti, Matúš Dubecký, František Karlický, Václav Ranc, Klára Čépe, Michal Otyepka, Radek Zbořil ... other authors
journal article
Maykel Marquez-Mijares, Bruno Lepetit, Didier Lemoine, Khaled Almaksour, Mike Kirkpatrick, Philippe Dessante, Emmanuel Odic, David Alamarguy, Fabien Bayle, Philippe Teste, František Karlický ... other authors
journal article
Pavla Svrčková, Aleš Vítek, František Karlický, Ivana Paidarová, René Kalus
journal article
Year: 2011, J CHEM PHYS
journal article
Year: 2010
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2010
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2010
work experience abroad
Year: 2010, J CHEM PHYS
journal article
František Karlický, Bruno Lepetit, I. Paidarová, Karel Oleksy, Lucie Zárubová, Jan Josiek, René Kalus ... other authors
Year: 2009
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2009
work experience abroad
Year: 2009
work experience abroad
Year: 2009
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2009
final dissertation (rigorous, final, habilitation)
Year: 2009
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2009
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008
work experience abroad
Year: 2008
work experience abroad
František Karlický, Bruno Lepetit, René Kalus, I. Paidarová, F.X. Gadéa
Year: 2008, The Journal of Chemical Physics
journal article
Bruno Lepetit, René Kalus, F.X. Gadéa, František Karlický
Year: 2007, The Journal of Chemical Physics
journal article
Bruno Lepetit, František Karlický, René Kalus, F.X. Gadéa
Year: 2007
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2007
work experience abroad
I. Paidarová, Rudolf Polák, Barbora Paulíková, František Karlický, Karel Oleksy, Daniel Hrivňák, F.X. Gadéa, René Kalus ... other authors
Year: 2007, Chemical Physics
journal article
František Karlický, Bruno Lepetit, René Kalus, F.X. Gadéa
Year: 2007
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Alexandr Malijevský, František Karlický, René Kalus, Anatol Malijevský
Year: 2007, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
journal article
Year: 2006
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2006
work experience abroad
Year: 2006
work experience abroad
René Kalus, I. Paidarová, Daniel Hrivňák, Ivan Janeček, František Karlický, Petr Milko, Aleš Vítek, F.X. Gadéa ... other authors
Year: 2006
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
I. Paidarová, Rudolf Polák, František Karlický, Ivan Janeček, Daniel Hrivňák, René Kalus, F.X. Gadéa ... other authors
Year: 2006
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
František Karlický, Alexandr Malijevský, Anatol Malijevský, René Kalus
Year: 2006
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
René Kalus, Daniel Hrivňák, František Karlický, Ivan Janeček, I. Paidarová, Rudolf Polák, F.X. Gadéa ... other authors
Year: 2006
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2005
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2005
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2005, Československý časopis pro fyziku
journal article
Year: 2005
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2005
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2004
final dissertation (rigorous, final, habilitation)
Year: 2004
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
work experience abroad
work experience abroad

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Type of thesis
Kumar Nilesh
Electronic and optical properties of semiconducting MXenes
Doctoral thesis
Kolos Miroslav
Computer modeling of two-dimensional binary semiconductors properties using many-body methods
Doctoral thesis
Kolos Miroslav
Ab initio study on trichloroethylene elimination mechanism using modified iron nanoparticles
Advanced thesis
Kalmár Jiří
Optical absorption in various 2D transition metal carbide phases
Master's thesis
Polášková Julie
Approximate modeling of TiO2 nanotubes
Master's thesis
Josiek Jan
Variational quantum Monte Carlo simulations
Master's thesis
Paulíková Barbora
Theoretical studies of the interactions of rare gases atoms
Master's thesis
Macháčová Nikola
Electronic and optical properties of 2D metal carbide-based heterostructure
Bachelor's thesis
Kriek Patrik
Support for teaching introductory quantum mechanics course
Bachelor's thesis
Stachová Markéta
Adsorption of Atoms and Small Molecules on Graphene
Bachelor's thesis
Valušáková Xenie
Computer design of layered heterostructures for solar cells
Bachelor's thesis
Turoň Josef
Reference calculations of electronic band gaps for semiconductors and insulators
Bachelor's thesis
Zárubová Lucie
Binding energies and stability of small atomic clusters - inclusion of quantum effect by the Diffusion Monte Carlo method
Bachelor's thesis

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