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UO > About > Organizational Structure > Faculties & Institutes > Faculty of Science > About > Organizational Structure > Departments & Centres > Department of Physics

Lenka Hönigová

Lenka Hönigová

Academic degree, name, surname:
Mgr. Lenka Hönigová, Ph.D.
Room, floor, building:
C 208, Building C
Research interests and teaching:
Phone number, mobile:
+420 553 46 2153

No record found.

Year: 2015
final dissertation (rigorous, final, habilitation)
Year: 2015
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2015
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2015, Československý časopis pro fyziku
journal article
Year: 2015
work experience abroad
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2014
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2014
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2014, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej
specialist book chapter
Year: 2014
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2014
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2014
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2014
abstract in proceedings
Lenka Ličmanová, Věra Kerlínová
Year: 2014
abstract in proceedings
Lenka Ličmanová, Věra Kerlínová
Year: 2014
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013
work experience abroad
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2013
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2012
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2012
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2012
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2012
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2012
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2012
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2011
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2011
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2011
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2010
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2010
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2009
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)

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Type of thesis
Hráčková Vendula
Human eye in physics education
Master's thesis
Ticháčková Lenka
Construction of the radiation source a its use in education of Optics
Master's thesis
Kubáčková Tereza
Optical properties of photographic devices
Bachelor's thesis
Krč Jakub
The spatial and spectral properties of light sources
Bachelor's thesis
Onderková Kateřina
Astronomical photo since photographing to processing
Bachelor's thesis
Solowski Radek
Efficiency of light sources and their effects on humans
Bachelor's thesis
Ticháčková Lenka
The spectral properties of light passed through and reflected from different materials
Bachelor's thesis

Main solver
Mgr. Lenka Hönigová, Ph.D.
1/2014 - 12/2014
Rozvojové programy MŠMT

social hub