Year: 2008, -Geografické informácie
journal article
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2008
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008
final dissertation (rigorous, final, habilitation)
Year: 2008
work experience abroad
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Robert Ištok, Tomáš Koziak
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008, University of Ostrava
specialist book chapter
Year: 2008
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2008
editorial work
Year: 2008, University of Ostrava
specialist book chapter
Year: 2008
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2008, Geografická revue
journal article
Year: 2008
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2008
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2008
learning texts, university textbooks, tutorials, handbooks
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2008, Acta Facultatis Studiorum Humanitatis et Naturae Universitatis Prešoviensis. Folia geographica, 12. Special Issue for the 31st IGU Congress Tunis 2008
journal article
Year: 2008, Geografické informácie
journal article
Year: 2008
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2008, Geografické Informácie 12
journal article
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008
work experience abroad
Year: 2008
radio and televison broadcast
Year: 2008
organizing conference, workshop
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008, Orientační běh - časopis orientačních sportů
journal article
Year: 2008
recordings released on audio media or filmed
Petr Rumpel, Jaroslav Koutský, Ondřej Slach
Year: 2008, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
specialist book
Year: 2008
organizing conference, workshop
Ondřej Slach, Petr Rumpel, Jaroslav Koutský
Year: 2008
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Ondřej Slach, Petr Rumpel, Jaroslav Koutský
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Jaroslav Vencálek, Kolektiv Autorů
Year: 2008, Gaudeamus
specialist book chapter
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2008
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2008
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2008, Dokumentacja Geograficzna
journal article
Year: 2008
abstract in proceedings
Year: 2008
recordings released on audio media or filmed
Year: 2008
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2008
published expert opinions, reviews
Year: 2008
published expert opinions, reviews