
whole faculty
hierarchical order

Faculty Offices
Department of Biology and Ecology
Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology
Department of Physics
Department of Chemistry
Department of Informatics and Computers
Department of Mathematics
Department of Human Geography and Regional Development
Environmental Center
Center for Lifelong Education

Faculty Offices

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2139
+420 553 46 2373
Bradáč Vladimír, Mgr., Ph.D.
Centre for Internationalisation
+420 553 46 2173
+420 553 46 2112
+420 553 46 2126
Drozd Pavel, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Study
+420 553 46 2311
+420 775 160 971
+420 553 46 2100
Faja Petr, Mgr., MPA
Head of the Department of Project Support
+420 553 46 2119
+420 739 204 709
+420 553 46 2100
Holubová Lucie, Bc.
Personnel Assistant
+420 553 46 1077
+420 605 594 847
Janalík Stanislav, Mgr.
Public Relations Specialist
+420 732 525 519
Jandová Věra
Office for Studies
+420 553 46 2109
+420 553 46 2118
+420 553 46 2120

+420 553 46 2126
+420 553 46 2128
+420 553 46 2114
+420 553 46 2105
+420 739 338 653
Kotalová Markéta, Bc.
International Student Services Specialist for Bachelor's and Master's Study Programmes
+420 553 46 2113
+420 731 094 750
Kožušník David, Mgr.
Head of Study Office
+420 553 46 2111
Macháček Jan, Mgr., Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Development and Internationalization
+420 733 756 592
+420 553 46 2380
Mikolandová Denisa
Office for Studies
+420 553 46 2108
+420 553 46 2300
Olšanská Jiřina, DiS.
Office for Studies
+420 553 46 2110
+420 553 46 2106
+420 604 298 777
Smolka Pavel, Ing., Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Study and Lifelong Learning
+420 604 517 402
+420 553 46 2172
+420 553 46 2381
Sýkorová Andrea, Mgr.
Office for Studies
+420 553 46 2109
+420 553 46 4046
Švábková Šárka
Office for Studies
+420 553 46 2101
+420 553 46 2131
+420 553 46 2115
+420 553 46 2389
+420 553 46 2300
+420 777 107 281
+420 553 46 2102
+420 553 46 2131

Department of Biology and Ecology

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2281
+420 553 46 2314
+420 553 46 2311
+420 775 160 971
+420 553 46 2316
+420 553 46 2350
+420 553 46 2280
+420 553 46 2327
+420 553 46 2312
+420 553 46 2330
+420 553 46 2326
+420 731 422 166
Kočárek Petr, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Deputy Head of Department
+420 553 46 2317
+420 553 46 2320
+420 553 46 2325
+420 553 46 2315
+420 731 444 489
+420 553 46 2387
+420 553 46 2313
+420 775 602 087
+420 553 46 2104
+420 553 46 2383
+420 553 46 2324
+420 596 235 078
+420 553 46 2278
+420 777 935 004
Živný Michal, RNDr., Ph.D.
Department Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2310

Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2304
+420 553 46 2363
+420 734 796 545
+420 553 46 2301
+420 553 46 2305
Kapustová Veronika, RNDr., Ph.D.
Departmental International Coordinator
+420 553 46 2384
+420 553 46 2305
+420 553 46 2306
Mulková Monika, RNDr., Ph.D.
Department Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2303
Škarpich Václav, RNDr., Ph.D.
Deputy Head of Department
+420 553 46 2388
+420 553 46 2302
+420 733 381 515

Department of Physics

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2164
+420 553 46 2308
+420 553 46 2308
+420 553 46 2308
Karlický František, Mgr., Ph.D.
Head of Nanostructure Physics Group, Chair of the Academic Senate at Faculty of Science
+420 553 46 2155
+420 553 46 2152
+420 553 46 2157
+420 733 617 296
Kurasová Irena, Mgr., Ph.D.
Department Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2160
+420 553 46 2156
+420 553 46 2164
+420 553 46 2160
+420 553 46 2164
+420 553 46 2308
+420 553 46 2283
+420 553 46 2265
+420 553 46 2158
+420 723 111 097
+420 553 46 2150
+420 731 444 481
Štroch Michal, Mgr., Ph.D.
Deputy Head of Department
+420 553 46 2159
+420 553 46 2153
+420 553 46 2151

Department of Chemistry

Alphabetical order
Bulavová Petra, RNDr., Ph.D.
Department Erasmus+ Coordinator
+420 553 46 2197
+420 553 46 2120
Kadlčíková Monika
Laboratory Technician
+420 553 46 2196
+420 553 46 2152
+420 553 46 2157
+420 733 617 296
+420 731 444 484
+420 553 46 2195
+420 553 46 2190
+420 737 443 663
Mucha Martin, Mgr., Ph.D.
Department Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2195
+420 553 46 2197
+420 604 517 402
+420 553 46 2172
+420 553 46 2191
+420 553 46 2101
+420 553 46 2131
Zelenka Tomáš, Mgr., Ph.D.
Deputy Head of Department
+420 553 46 2210

Department of Informatics and Computers

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2170
+420 553 46 2174
Janošek Michal, RNDr., Ph.D.
Department Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2186
+420 553 46 2182
+420 553 46 2255
+420 222 767 131
+420 777 224 245
+420 553 46 2116
+420 604 517 402
+420 553 46 2172
+420 553 46 1414

Department of Mathematics

Alphabetical order
Ferdiánová Věra, Mgr., Ph.D.
CEEPUS and ICM Erasmus+ Erasmus+ Coordinator
+420 553 46 2142
Konečná Petra, RNDr., Ph.D.
Department Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2103
+420 604 105 409
+420 553 46 2279
+420 553 46 1354
+420 553 46 2130
+420 553 46 2101
+420 553 46 2131
+420 553 46 2279
+420 777 107 281
+420 553 46 2102
+420 553 46 2131

Department of Human Geography and Regional Development

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2333
+420 732 437 015
+420 553 46 2335
+420 775 132 888
+420 553 46 2374
+420 774 065 464
Drobík Tomáš, RNDr., Ph.D.
Departmental Erasmus Coordinator of incoming and outgoing student mobilities
+420 553 46 2338
+420 605 168 198
+420 553 46 2345
+420 776 692 130
+420 553 46 2341
+420 775 232 959
Hudeček Tomáš, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Researcher of the Refresh project
Jolly Suyash
Researcher of the Global Experts program
+420 553 46 2339
+420 737 609 718
Kopeček Vincenc, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Deputy Head of Department
+420 553 46 2343
+420 608 564 963
+420 553 46 2341
+420 731 505 314
Laš Lukáš, Mgr., Ph.D.
Coordinator of non-European (international credit) mobilities and cooperation, incoming Erasmus+ teachers and CEEPUS
+420 553 46 2370
+420 733 622 589
+420 733 756 592
+420 553 46 2380
+420 553 46 2374
+420 776 878 776
Qureshi Salman, Dr. rer. nat.
Researcher of the Global Experts program
Rumpel Petr, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Head of the Department
+420 553 46 2336
+420 731 505 360
+420 553 46 2344
+420 731 444 485
+420 553 46 1603
+420 553 46 2345
+420 605 106 528
+420 731 688 743
+420 553 46 2344
Spyra Marcin, Dr.rer.nat.habil.
Researcher of the Global Experts program
+420 553 46 2348
Šlachtová Monika, Mgr.
Secretary of the Department
+420 553 46 2334
+420 731 145 512
+420 553 46 2337
+420 777 930 458
+420 553 46 2370
+420 728 558 295
Žufan Petr, RNDr., Ph.D.
Department Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2349
+420 728 634 618

Environmental Center

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2311
+420 775 160 971
+420 553 46 2118
+420 553 46 2326
+420 731 422 166
+420 553 46 2315
+420 731 444 489
+420 553 46 2156
+420 553 46 2150
+420 731 444 481
+420 553 46 2151

Center for Lifelong Education

Alphabetical order
+420 730 185 651